R-O-P-E System®
The R-O-P-E System® defines business risk and underpins enhanced performance
A business is similar to a bridge with four supporting pillars. If any pillar is damaged, so is the health of the business. Our R-O-P-E System® enables you to identify the root cause of health-related absence and poor employee performance within the business.
Each of the pillars within the R-O-P-E System® represents a core element of the business comprising Roles, Organisation, People and the Environment. Applying the principles of the system leads to healthy and productive employees resulting in a healthier and more profitable business.

Identify and understand your employees’ health risks associated with their job roles
Engage your employees hearts and minds to your business purpose and vision
Help your employees maintain and enhance positive mental and physical health
Identify and minimise risks to health and wellbeing in the workplace
We work with you to move your business from where it is today, to where you want it to be in the future.
By building your own Healthy Business Bridge, you can find the root cause of employee ill-health symptoms which are often found within the business.